


February 19, 2022

Starts at



574 Black Rock Runs Rd, Lee Flat, New Zealand

Event Information

We are back at the awesome Hallen MX moto track this Saturday the 19th of February for another fun day of moto.
This event will run in accordance with the New Zealand Health Department and NZ Governments – Red Level. If there is more than 100 people we will be separating people into groups of 100, so if you want to pit up with your mates THEN YOU NEED TO ARRIVE WITH YOUR MATES.  This will be managed by a committee member.
Please respect the COVID 19 regulations set to keep you and others attending this event safe. Main points to note are:
If you or a member of your household are unwell, please DO NOT attend this event and follow the Government recommendations around getting tested and isolating.
All attending this event MUST use the COVID QR scan or Register upon entry to the property. Please keep 1-metre physical distancing.
Face coverings to be worn at sign in and trackside.

574 Black Rock Runs Road, Lee stream (Halls Property)
Sign in starts at 9am-10am, Please note there will be no riders Briefing, the briefing notes will be given out at sign in.
Koarse members $25
Non-members $35
Non racing Minis track (separate) $15
Please wear appropriate riding gear at a minimum Boots and Helmet.

JNR A,B,C/Racing minis
Separate non racing minis track also for all day fun!
Farm class if there’s a minimum of 5,
This will be any farm type bike up to 250cc
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Pricing Details

  • Koarse MC Members: $25
  • Non Members: $35
  • Non Racing Minis: $15
  • Koarse MC Membership $50