
Lee Flat TT


November 30, -0001

Starts at


Event Information

Sunday 2nd April
Sign in 9am-10AM
Riders Briefing 10AM

The entry fee for riders are as below:

Koarse members $25
Non-members $35
Non racing Minis track (separate) $15

Separate Minis track are marked out for non racing minis, but will have to be supervised by parents and will not be manned by Koarse committee.
Please wear appropriate riding gear at a minimum Boots and Helmet. No Tear offs allowed on the goggles.
Memberships will be available on the day and goes for a year from when you sign up.

JNR A,B,C/Racing minis
Separate non racing minis track also for all day fun!

After the first round of races we will have a couple of fun teams pony express races.
No Dogs are allowed at the track.
Remember to keep the track clean and please take rubbish home with you.

Pricing Details

Event Gallery